Browsing by Author SILVA, Anderson Manoel Herculano Oliveira da
Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Type |
2013 | GABA and glutamate transporters: new events and function in the vertebrate retina | NASCIMENTO, José Luiz Martins do; SAWADA, Luis Armando; OLIVEIRA, Karen Renata Matos; CRESPO LÓPEZ, Maria Elena; SILVA, Anderson Manoel Herculano Oliveira da; HAMOY, Moisés; SILVA, Consuelo Yumiko Yoshioka e; BASTOS, Gilmara de Nazareth Tavares; PANTOJA, Wendell Mauro Soeiro | Artigo de Periódico |
Feb-2017 | Local inhibition of nitrergic activity in tenotomized rats accelerates muscle regeneration by increasing fiber area and decreasing central core lesions | SEABRA, Aline Damasceno; MORAES, Suellen Alessandra Soares de; BATISTA, Evander de Jesus Oliveira; GARCIA, Tarcyane Barata; SOUZA, Martha Costa de; OLIVEIRA, Karen Renata Matos; SILVA, Anderson Manoel Herculano Oliveira da | Artigo de Periódico |
May-2014 | Therapeutic concentration of morphine reduces oxidative stress in glioma cell line | ALMEIDA, Mauro Brito de; MALAQUIAS, Allan Costa; NASCIMENTO, José Luiz Martins do; OLIVEIRA, Karen Renata Matos; SILVA, Anderson Manoel Herculano Oliveira da; CRESPO LÓPEZ, Maria Elena | Artigo de Periódico |