Browsing by Author SILVA, Juliana Melo da
Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Type |
Apr-2015 | Comparison of the effects of TripleGates and Gates-Glidden burs on cervical dentin thickness and root canal area by using cone beam computed tomography | SOUSA, Kássio Henrique; ANDRADE JUNIOR, Carlos Vieira; SILVA, Juliana Melo da; DUARTE, Marco Antonio Hungaro; VIANNA, Gustavo André de Deus Carneiro; SILVA, Emmanuel João Nogueira Leal da | Artigo de Periódico |
Apr-2013 | Cyclic fatigue resistance of rotary niti instruments after simulated clinical use in curved root canals | PESSOA, Oscar Faciola; SILVA, Juliana Melo da; GAVINI, Giulio | Artigo de Periódico |
Feb-2013 | Evaluation of ionic degradation and slot corrosion of metallic brackets by the action of different dentifrices | BRANDÃO, Gustavo Antônio Martins; SIMAS, Rafael Menezes; ALMEIDA, Leandro Moreira de; SILVA, Juliana Melo da; MENEGHIM, Marcelo de Castro; PEREIRA, Antonio Carlos; ALMEIDA, Haroldo Amorim de; BRANDÃO, Ana Maria Martins | Artigo de Periódico |