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metadata.dc.type: Tese
Issue Date: 19-Jun-2015
metadata.dc.creator: FERNANDES, José Augusto Nunes
metadata.dc.description.affiliation: Universidade Federal do Pará, UFPA, Brasil
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor1: GUERRA, Renato Borges
Title: Ecologia do saber: o ensino de limite em um curso de engenharia
Citation: FERNANDES, José Augusto Nunes. Ecologia do saber: o ensino de limite em um curso de engenharia. Orientador: Prof. Dr. Renato Borges Guerra. 226 f. 2015. Tese (Doutorado em Educação em Ciências e Matemáticas) - Universidade Federal do Pará, Instituto de Educação Matemática e Científica, Belém, 2015. Disponível em: Acesso em:.
metadata.dc.description.resumo: Esta pesquisa se insere na linha do Programa Epistemológico em Didática da Matemática, decorrente da obra de Guy Brousseau, tendo como referencial teórico a Teoria Antropológica do Didático, desenvolvida por Yves Chevallard. A questão de pesquisa se estabeleceu a partir de um problema docente real, vivido por um professor de Cálculo Diferencial e Integral de um curso de Engenharia Civil, quando a disciplina Cálculo I foi substituída por outra, com outro nome e mais temas a ensinar, dispondo, no entanto, da metade do tempo de ensino de outrora. Em razão das modificações ocorridas, o ensino de limite de uma função real de uma variável real sofreu modificações, e sua dispensabilidade passou a ser questionada. A investigação de práticas com Matemática se deu em um curso de graduação, e o pesquisador propõe um modelo heurístico para análise didática ecológica, que permita identificar as funcionalidades do objeto matemático pesquisado, ou seja, seus nichos, nos habitat do ecossistema de ensino de Engenharia Civil. Os componentes empíricos foram obtidos na imersão realizada na instituição de ensino superior, utilizadora da Matemática, quando o Projeto Pedagógico do Curso foi pesquisado, professores entrevistados, obras de referência e práticas analisadas com base no modelo proposto. As praxeologias didáticas envolvendo limite de uma função foram analisadas com base no modelo proposto, encontrando modos de “vida” do objeto matemático pesquisado, permitindo compreensões que justificam a não dispensabilidade do seu ensino no ecossistema investigado, mas que sugerem modificações transpositivas, que se fazem necessárias em razão das diferenças ecológicas entre as instituições produtora e utilizadora desse saber.
Abstract: This research falls in line with the Epistemological Program in Didatics of Mathematics from the work of Guy Brousseau, having as theoretical reference Yves Chevallard's Antropological Theory of Didatic. The research question has established itself from a real educational problem, experienced by a professor of Differential and Integral Calculus of a civil engineering course, when the Calculus I course was replaced by another with a different name and more topics to teach, offering However, half the teaching time of old. Due to these modifications, the teaching of the limit of a real function of a real variable suffered changes and its dispensability started being questioned. The investigation of practices with Mathematics in an undergraduate course, and the researcher proposes a heuristic model for ecological educational analysis that enables the identification of the functionalities of the researched mathematical object, such as its niche, in the Civil Engineering teaching ecosystem habitat. The empirical components were obtained from the immersion held in the institution of higher education, user of mathematics, when the course's Pedagogical Project was researched, teachers were interviewed and reference works and practices were analysed based on the proposed model. The didactic praxeologies involving the limit of a function were analysed based on the proposed model. The analysis found the "life forms" of the researched mathematical object, which allowed the understanding that justifies the indispensability of its teaching in the researched ecosystem, but which also suggests transpositives that are necessary because of the ecological differences between the producing and consumer institutions of this knowledge.
metadata.dc.description.resume: This research falls in line with the Epistemological Program in Didatics of Mathematics from the work of Guy Brousseau, having as theoretical reference Yves Chevallard's Antropological Theory of Didatic. The research question has established itself from a real educational problem, experienced by a professor of Differential and Integral Calculus of a civil engineering course, when the Calculus I course was replaced by another with a different name and more topics to teach, offering However, half the teaching time of old. Due to these modifications, the teaching of the limit of a real function of a real variable suffered changes and its dispensability started being questioned. The investigation of practices with Mathematics in an undergraduate course, and the researcher proposes a heuristic model for ecological educational analysis that enables the identification of the functionalities of the researched mathematical object, such as its niche, in the Civil Engineering teaching ecosystem habitat. The empirical components were obtained from the immersion held in the institution of higher education, user of mathematics, when the course's Pedagogical Project was researched, teachers were interviewed and reference works and practices were analysed based on the proposed model. The didactic praxeologies involving the limit of a function were analysed based on the proposed model. The analysis found the "life forms" of the researched mathematical object, which allowed the understanding that justifies the indispensability of its teaching in the researched ecosystem, but which also suggests transpositives that are necessary because of the ecological differences between the producing and consumer institutions of this knowledge.
Keywords: Educação Matemática
Teoria antropológica do didático
Ecologia didática
Limite de funções
Ensino de engenharia
Praxeologias com matemática
metadata.dc.subject.areadeconcentracao: EDUCAÇÃO MATEMÁTICA
metadata.dc.subject.linhadepesquisa: DIDÁTICA E FORMAÇÃO DOCENTE
metadata.dc.subject.cnpq: MATEMÁTICA - ESTUDO E ENSINO
Publisher: Universidade Federal do Pará
metadata.dc.publisher.initials: UFPA
metadata.dc.publisher.department: Instituto de Educação Matemática e Científica
metadata.dc.publisher.program: Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação em Ciências e Matemáticas
metadata.dc.rights: Acesso Aberto
metadata.dc.source: 1 CD-ROM
Appears in Collections:Teses em Educação em Ciências e Matemáticas (Doutorado) - PPGECM/IEMCI

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