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metadata.dc.type: Artigo de Periódico
Issue Date: 2000
metadata.dc.creator: SCHNEIDER, Horacio
Title: The current status of the new world monkey phylogeny
Citation: SCHNEIDER, Horacio. The current status of the new world monkey phylogeny. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, Rio de Janeiro, v. 72, n. 2, p. 165-172, 2000. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 15 mar. 2011.
Abstract: Four DNA datasets were combined in tandem (6700 bp) and Maximum parsimony and Neighbor-Joining analyses were performed. The results suggest three groups emerging almost at the same time: Atelidae, Pitheciidae and Cebidae. The total analysis strongly supports the monophyly of the Cebidae family, grouping Aotus, Cebus and Saimiri with the small callitrichines. In the callitrichines, the data link Cebuela to Callithrix, place Callimico as a sister group of Callithrix/Cebuella, and show Saguinus to be the earliest offshoot of the callitrichines. In the family Pithecidae, Callicebus is the basal genus. Finally, combined molecular data showed congruent branching in the atelid clade, setting up Alouatta as the basal lineage and Brachyteles-Lagothrix as a sister group and the most derived branch. Two major points remain to be clarified in the platyrrhine phylogeny: (i) what is the exact branching pattern of Aotus, Cebus, Saimiri and the small callitrichines, and (ii), which two of these three lineages, pitheciines, atelines or cebids, are more closely related?
Keywords: Macaco
DNA mitocondrial
ISSN: 0001-3765
metadata.dc.rights: Acesso Aberto
Appears in Collections:Artigos Científicos - FBIO/IECOS

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