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metadata.dc.type: Artigo de Periódico
Issue Date: 2009
metadata.dc.creator: MARTINS, Milta Mariane da Mata
COSTA, Marcondes Lima da
Title: Nutrientes (K, P, Ca, Na, Mg e Fe) em sedimentos (solos aluviais) e cultivares (feijão e milho) de praias e barrancos de rios de água branca: a bacia do purus no estado do Acre, Brasil
Other Titles: Nutrients in sediment (alluvial soils) and cultivates (bean and corn) developed in beaches and cliffs found along loam water: the purus basin in state Acre, Brazil
Citation: MARTINS, Milta Mariane da Mata; COSTA, Marcondes Lima da. Nutrientes (K, P, Ca, Na, Mg e Fe) em sedimentos (solos aluviais) e cultivares (feijão e milho) de praias e barrancos de rios de água branca: a bacia do purus no estado do Acre, Brasil. Química Nova, São Paulo, v. 32, n. 6, p. 1411-1415, 2009. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 27 fev. 2014. <>.
Abstract: The present research highlights the macronutrient abundance in the sediments of beaches and cliffs and cultivates in the river Purus and flowing, southwest of Amazon. The concentrations found in leaves and bean seeds and corn leaves reflect the mineralogical and chemical nature of those rich sediments in K2O and Na2O, which are formed by smectite, illite and K-feldspar. The factors of transfer of the elements in the corn leaves and bean (Ca>K>Na) and bean seeds (Na>K>Ca) demonstrate that the nutrient needs of the cultivate were found appropriately in the sediments (soils) of the beaches and cliffs.
Keywords: Macronutrientes
Rio Purus (Bacia do Amazonas)
Acre - Estado
Sedimentos de praias
Sedimentos de barranco
ISSN: 0100-4042
metadata.dc.rights: Acesso Aberto
Appears in Collections:Artigos Científicos - IG

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