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Tipo: | Dissertação |
Data do documento: | 14-Nov-2017 |
Autor(es): | PERDOMO, Fernando Iván Ruiz |
Primeiro(a) Orientador(a): | DELUCHEY, Jean-François Yves |
Título: | La representación de la violencia policial en las manifestaciones de junio de 2013: un análisis crítico del discurso de las editoriales de los diarios Folha de São Paulo y O Liberal |
Citar como: | PERDOMO, Fernando Iván Ruiz. La representación de la violencia policial en las manifestaciones de junio de 2013: un análisis crítico del discurso de las editoriales de los diarios Folha de São Paulo y O Liberal. 2017. 221 f. Dissertação (Mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Pará, Instituto de Ciências Jurídicas, Belém, 2017. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em:. |
Abstract: | Despite the bombastic declared end of history in the version of liberal democracy and the capitalist system, the end of ideologies and the class struggle, the supposed consensus of humanity on human rights and progress as the north of societies and its governments in this second decade of the twenty-first century, what we witness is the irruption of varied and novel processes of political action that have shaken the world, such as the Arab Spring, the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations of Ferguson against police violence in the United States, environmental protests in Turkey, Chilean students, Colombian peasants and the Free Pass Movement in Brazil. Although their contexts and motivations are varied, each one of them represented moments of strong tension within their countries, as a result of the clashes of violence and the struggle of speeches. In this international context of social unrest, the present investigation, centered on the Brazilian case, forms part of the demonstrations of June 2013 that triggered the increase in the passage of public transport in several cities, protests that had high doses of violence and repression, with the use not only of the truculence of armed bodies destined to preserve public order, but also of the judicial system, government speeches, mass media, among others. Concomitant with the occupation of forces in the streets between demonstrators and institutional armed forces, the symbolic struggle was fought, the clash of speeches, on the one hand, legitimizing discourses of the police order and the legitimate use of force used for its preservation, for the another, discourses that question the police order that resituate the force used by the armed bodies intended to preserve public order in the context of domination, to strip it of its legitimacy and justify its actions in response to institutional violence. From the perspective of the Critical Analysis of the Discourse we will analyze the editorials of the newspapers O Liberal and Folha de São Paulo that directly or indirectly, report the police violence against the demonstrators. The reflection on the texts in context will be based on the analysis of one category and two relations, with respect to the first one, the (de) construction of the "other" will be observed through the revision of the lexicon used by the newspapers, to describe the manifestations and demonstrators, as well as the force deployed by the armed forces responsible for controlling the June demonstrations in the cities of Belém and São Paulo, if it is considered violence or law enforcement, and the justification or condemnation of it . As for relations, the nexus between the discourses and the intensity of the force exerted for the control of the manifestations, and between the discourses and relations of power produced in that context, will be analyzed. |
Resumen: | Pese al rimbombante declarado fin de la historia en la versión de la democracia liberal y el sistema capitalista, del fin de las ideologías y de la lucha de clases, del supuesto consenso de la humanidad sobre los derechos humanos y el progreso como norte de las sociedades y sus gobiernos, en esta segunda década del siglo XXI a lo que asistimos es a la irrupción de variados y novedosos procesos de acción política que han sacudido el mundo, como fue la primavera árabe, los "Occupy Wall Street", las manifestaciones de Ferguson contra la violencia policial en los Estados Unidos, las protestas ecologistas en Turquía, los estudiantes Chilenos, los campesinos Colombianos y el Movimiento de Pase Libre en el Brasil. Aunque sus contextos y motivaciones son variadas, cada una de ellas representó momentos de fuerte tensión al interior de sus países, como consecuencia de los embates de la violencia y la pugna de los discursos. En ese contexto internacional de agitación social se inscribe la presente investigación, centrada en el caso Brasilero, en las manifestaciones de junio de 2013 que detonaron con ocasión del aumento en el pasaje del transporte público en varias ciudades, protestas que tuvieron altas dosis de violencia y represión, con el empleo no apenas de la truculencia de los cuerpos armados destinados a preservar el orden público, sino también, del sistema judicial, de los discursos gubernamentales, de los medios masivos de comunicación, entre otros. Concomitante con el trabamiento de fuerzas en las calles entre manifestantes y cuerpos armados institucionales, se libraba la lucha simbólica, el embate de discursos, por una parte, discursos legitimadores del orden policial y del uso legitimo de la fuerza empleada para su preservación, por la otra, discursos que cuestionan el orden policial que resituan la fuerza empleada por los cuerpos armados destinados a preservar el orden público en el contexto de la dominación, para despojarla de su legitimidad y justificar sus acciones como respuesta a la violencia institucional. |
Palavras-chave: | Polícia Violência Poder Governamentalidade Discurso Jornal Folha de São Paulo Jornal O Liberal |
Área de Concentração: | DIREITOS HUMANOS |
País: | Brasil |
Instituição: | Universidade Federal do Pará |
Sigla da Instituição: | UFPA |
Instituto: | Instituto de Ciências Jurídicas |
Programa: | Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito |
Tipo de Acesso: | Acesso Aberto |
Fonte: | 1 CD-ROM |
Aparece nas coleções: | Dissertações em Direito (Mestrado) - PPGD/ICJ |
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